Space Station - 2020


Travelling Companions

Selection of personnel to serve aboard the space station is similar to the selection processes involved in conventional employment. The esential difference is the element of risk, and the enforced separation from home. The fact that "Home" can be seen out of the window, but is untouchable due to the vacuum of space in between, may be very difficult to bear. Students should be asked to consider what situations on Earth involve disruption to lifestyle and separation. Suggestions may include nightshift work, security guards, foreign exchange students, soldiers on postings, oil rig workers, aid workers, monks etc. Sometimes, as in the case of monks, this separation is chosen voluntarily. Ask the students to list any common factors that these people may share - if your school has a foreign exchange programme, you may wish to use this as a starting point. The visitors may want to talk about their feelings of isolation in an alien environment, the problems of dealing with a foreign language, unfamiliar food, and expectations of the family they are staying with.

Students may then wish to consider themselves in relation to their friends. They could make a list of what they consider to be their strengths as people. Point out that our weaknesses are often simply our strengths, but situations determine whether or not they are positive or negative. For example, someone who is a good and careful listener, might be indecisive in a stressful situation Ask them to think about which aspects of their personalities are not likely to change - most people resist changes in their behaviour; ask them why they think that this is so.

The students may be asked to consider various jobs, and try to think what main personality traits they would expect would pre-dispose someone to choosing one of them. If they are thinking of a career, what makes them choose any particular one. They may want to list jobs with a risk element, and consider what sort of person fits the bill for those.

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